What is Prevent?
Prevent is part of the UK governments counter-terrorism strategy. Its purpose is to safeguard people and communities from the threat of terrorism. It also aims to stop people from becoming terrorists, or supporting terrorism or extremism.
Safeguarding Apprentices
As part of Presidency London College’s approach to tackling extremism and terrorism, we encourage each Apprentice to complete an online prevent module detailing possible threats or sign that someone may be being radicalised. It also offers guidance on the procedures to follow if you suspect someone is being radicalised, or pose a potential risk of terrorism.
Each of our Apprentices are provided with contact details if they have a safeguarding enquiry, which is also used for seeking advice on matters that fall under the Prevent strategy.
Our commitment and responsibility
We have a responsibility to protect all apprentices against extremist or radical views, also protecting them from harm.
As a work based learning training provider we are committed to providing advice and guidance to our Apprentices, Employers and our own employees on the potential of extremism, radicalisation and rule of the law.
Each employer we deliver Apprenticeships to are subject to Health & Safety, Equality & Diversity and Employer Liability Insurance checks.
Each of our Training Specialists are trained in the Prevent strategy, as well as understanding safeguarding procedures and how to refer these to our designated safeguarding representative.
We are also committed to promoting British Values to our Apprentices and employers to raise awareness of how these apply in our society.
♦ Democracy
♦ The rule of law
♦ Individual liberty
♦ Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
We do this throughout the Apprenticeship embedding this in monthly visits with each Apprentice, where their answer is discussed and expanded on depending on their knowledge.
What is Channel?
Channel is a process that is followed when identified as vulnerable to extremist or radicalised views. The channel process is formed by multi agencies, responsible for safeguarding people from being drawn in to terrorist, extremist or violent behaviour.
What to look out for
There are a few common signs that could indicate individuals are vulnerable to extremist, radicalised and violent views. These include:
♦ Identify confusion
♦ Sharing extremist websites on social media platform
♦ Racist, homophobic or religious bullying.
♦ Change in appearance or behaviour
♦ Pressure form other involved in radical groups
♦ Experience of disadvantaged backgrounds.
♦ In possession of extremist literature
You may have experienced these in your own life, however it is always advisable to discuss your concerns or seek help or advice if you suspect someone else could benefit from help.
Useful Information
How Social Media can be used to influence young people
Below is a video from the counter terrorism police, which we believe is worth watching and we encourage this to be shared with friends, colleagues and relatives.